7 Health Benefits Of Pine Needle Essential Oil

 how to use pine essential oil
Wilburn Janes By Wilburn Janes | Editor

Various Health Benefits

Pine needle essential oil is extracted from the leaves or needles of the pine tree through distillation. The distillation process produces other products, such as rosin and turpentine. Turpentine is a standard product for carpenters since it is used jointly with paint. Pine trees are also grown for their pitch, wood, and tar. Most of the materials and products obtained from the pine tree are used in building and construction. Pine is also processed to produce fragrances that are commonly used in cosmetics, detergents, toiletries, and soaps.

Pine tree products have also been in use for centuries. It is especially used in ancient Greece and Egypt, where pine kernels were used for cooking. Pine needles were also used for mattress stuffing due to their soft nature as well as to help repel fleas and lice. Pine needle essential oil can also be used to contain and even prevent various health conditions. Some of the characteristic health properties of this essential oil are listed below.

 pine essential oil for skin

1It's A Potent Pain Reliever

Pine needle essential oil contains potent analgesic properties that do help provide pain relief. The oil is an excellent home remedy for arthritis, joint pains, sciatica, and rheumatic conditions. This oil contains potent anti-inflammatory properties, too, which makes it efficient in eliminating pains simultaneously. For fast relief, massage the affected area with pine needle essential oil at least twice every day.

With thousands, possibly millions, of people who have arthritis, many are actively looking for a quick, efficient, and natural remedy for the condition. The worst thing about arthritis is that it affects the cartilages, muscles, and joints that almost always become swollen, leading to discomfort and severe pain. Stiff joints and soft cartilages are some of the known symptoms of the onset of arthritis. This condition may also lead to weak digestion, constipation, or even overeating in most individuals. Massaging the affected areas and the surrounding region with pine needle essential oil, however, provides quick relief from the discomfort; thus, it is recommended.

 pine oil benefits

2Boosts Metabolism Naturally

Pine needle essential oil is also known to induce increased metabolic rates naturally. Taking a few drops of the oil helps in detoxing, especially in the gut. In addition to influencing increased metabolism, pine needle essential oil helps the body get rid of any excess water (it's a diuretic).

The diuretic properties of pine oil also stimulate increased urine production levels. This forces you to go for short calls more frequently, which not only helps get rid of excess water but also uric acid, fats, and salts. Your kidney health is promoted in the process since it doesn't have to filter toxins all at once. Another added advantage of having the essential oil somewhere in your house is that it can be used to fight food poisoning.

 what is pine essential oil good for

3Fights Various Forms Of Infection

Pine oil is one of the most potent natural remedies for urinary tract and gastrointestinal infections. It contains potent antibacterial properties that fight disease-causing microbes. You can also use this oil to prevent fresh wounds and cuts from becoming septic.

Urinary tract infection (UTI) affects almost all parts of the urinary system. This system includes the urethra, bladders, ureters, and kidneys. Usually, this disease is, however, diagnosed and treated before it can go beyond the urethra or bladder. With women having a higher risk of contracting UTI, this essential oil should come in handy in managing or even treating this annoying yet painful infection.

 how to use pine essential oil

4Remedy For Skin Conditions

Pine oil is a handy natural home remedy for most skin conditions. This condition includes poor skin health, pimples, eczema, itching, psoriasis, acne, sores, scabies, and even flea and mite bites. Using the oil on your skin helps rejuvenate collagen production, thus promoting radiant, smooth, and renewed skin.

Pine oils also contain potent antioxidants. These antioxidants help fight free radicals and chemicals that can have adverse effects on your skin. Free radicals and toxins are often to blame for sagging skin, wrinkles, stretch marks, and premature aging. This oil, however, takes care of all these, leaving you with healthy, youthful skin.

 what is pine essential oil good for

5Promotes Eye Health

As you might have noticed, pine needle essential oil is a rich source of antioxidants. Antioxidants play a vital role in preventing free radicals from damaging the delicate cells. It includes muscles, tissues, and cells around the eyes. Cataracts, macular degeneration, and other eye-related conditions often surface due to cell degeneration. Using pine needle essential oil does help prevent cell degeneration around the eyes, thus promoting vision and eye health.

The human eye is considered among the topmost important parts of the body. Humans are entirely visual creatures, as they depend on their eyes to see, move around, and work, among other activities. Unlike all other vital body organs, the eyes are exposed to many potential risks that could render one blind. It's, therefore, crucial that you take proper care of your eyes. One way to do this is by ensuring that they are protected from free radicals.

 pine oil benefits

6Helps Manage Anxiety And Stress Disorders

The potent antioxidants found in pine needle essential oils also play a huge role in keeping your brain muscles relaxed. These compounds work by getting rid of pressure on the brain cells, which allows one to handle even the most demanding tasks comfortably. Researchers also believe that using pine needle essential oil stimulates increased production of oxytocin, the happy hormone.

For optimal performance and brain clarity, consider having a massage using pine needle essential oil. The oil percolates deep into the skin and then to the blood vessels, which transports most of the beneficial properties to the brain for action. You could also use pine oil for aromatherapy as well. Medical researchers believe that it can be used to prevent memory loss or even improve weakened concentration in both adults and young children. Conclusive research is, however, needed to prove this.

 benefits of pine essential oil

7Used To Treat Fresh Injuries

Pine oil is also an antiseptic. Therefore, it comes in handy in treating fresh wounds, cuts, and boils, sports injuries, athlete's foot, and burns. This oil packs both antibacterial and antifungal properties. You can use the oil as a first-aid measure to help prevent injuries from becoming septic. You could also use the oil for a natural detox, particularly with a clogged digestive system.

Boils (red-colored, raised swellings) can be painful. They are commonly caused by unhygienic conditions, diabetes, poor diet, and a weakened immune system. Boils can also be caused by a bacterial infection as well. While boils are treatable, the condition should be appropriately addressed to avoid a recurrence of the same. Pine essential oil is one of the potent home remedies for boils.

 benefits of pine essential oil

Pine needle essential oil has a characteristic pale yellow color. It also has a smooth, fresh, earthy fragrance. Some varieties may also possess the turpentine-like, dry, and balsamic smell. The product can also be referred to as "fir leaf" oil as well; however, it shouldn't be confused with pine nut oil.

Pine nut oil is a common ingredient in many kitchens today. It is commonly known as pine kernel, Indian nut, or pinon oil. This oil is mainly derived from the pine tree's seeds, while pine needle essential oil is extracted from the pine tree's needle-like leaves through steam distillation.

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